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Welcome to Kabalega Education

We believe in the power of education to transform the future and fortunes of the less privileged
you too can join us to make a difference.

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You too can join us to make a difference by giving

Support from people like you goes a long way in ensuring that the most deserving get support to access
and/or complete their education...

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Get involved, together, lets make a difference

Our team of dedicated staff and voluteers will always ensure that we reach out and support the
most deserving to access education and help transform their lifes and future...

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We Strive to Make Education Accessible to those in need.

Kabalega Education Fund is an initiative aimed at supporting bright, but under-privilaged learners to access education..

  • We believe in the power of education to transform lives.

    We believe in the power of education to transform the future and fortunes of the less privileged you too can join us to make a difference.

  • Together, we can make a difference

    Get involved. With your giving, we can reach more, and have more impact. Our team of dedicated staff and voluteers, through a very rigorous and transparent process ensure that support gets to the most deserving.


We aim to establish a unit trust of at least USD $500,000 that will serve and impact the community through education.

All funds collected will be carefully deployed to ensure long-term sustainability and growth of the Fund.

So far fundraised
5,000 $
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Every Penny Counts

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How the Kabalega Education Fund works?

It all starts with generous contributions into the funds

The collections from donations and individual contributions are saved into a Unit trust, which in return generates profit to support education needs of learners while ensuring continued sustainability of the fund.

How can I make a contribution or of support to KEF?

You can make your contribution by sending your contribution to our collection account. No amount is too small, or too big to make a difference.

Whom does Kabalega Education Fund (KEF) support?

The KEF funds bright, but under-privileged learners to access quality education. The fund targets various levels of education depending on the need.

How can I apply for KEF Sponsorship?

Every year. a call for application for KEF sponsorship will be made, along with eligibility criteria, and details on how to apply. Keeping visiting our website, and checking our social media for the latest updates.

Kabalega Education Fund is an initiative of Kabalega Foundation aimed at supporting bright, but under-privilaged learners.

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