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We strive to ensure access to education

Kabalega Education Fund (KEF) is an initiative of Kabalega Foundation aimed at enhancing Education and Life Skills development for better livelihoods and futures for the underprivileged.

We believe in the power of education to transform the future and fortunes of the less privileged. We do this through Education, as well as Skills and Talent Development Support.

  • Our Mission

    KEF's mission is to maximize every learner's potential through education, skills and talent development.

  • Our Values

    Our cherished values include; Tenacity, Integrity, diversity, accountability, and justice..

OUR Objective

We dream of a world where quality education can be accessible by all in the communities we serve.


We aim to establish a unit trust of at least USD $500,000 that will serve and impact the community through education and life skills development programmes..

All funds collected will be carefully deployed to ensure long-term sustainability and growth of the Fund.

Whom We Work with

Meet Our Executive Team.

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Charlottee Kabahumuza

Programme Coordinator

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Ninsiima Isabella

Administrative Secretary

Kabalega Education Fund is an initiative of Kabalega Foundation aimed at promoting education and life skills development for the underprivilaged.

Contact Us

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